How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone
Monday, October 27, 2008
Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
Colonia is a small little town, 2 hours southwest of Montevideo. It is located "just in front" of Buenos Aires, on the other side of the Plata.
Colonia was founded by Portugal in 1680, being the first Uruguayan city. Colonia has kept its charm throughout the years and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. And an amazing city for photography!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A Second of Wisdom from my readings - by Mario Benedetti
Todavía tengo casi todos mis dientes
casi todos mis cabellos y poquísimas canas
puedo hacer y deshacer el amor
trepar una escalera de dos en dos
y correr cuarenta metros detrás del ómnibus
o sea que no debería sentirme viejo
pero el grave problema es que antes
no me fijaba en estos detalles
Ustedes y nosotros
Ustedes cuando aman
exigen bienestar
una cama de cedro
y un colchón especial,
nosotros cuando amamos
es fácil de arreglar
con sábanas qué bueno
sin sábanas da igual.
Ustedes cuando aman
calculan interés
y cuando se desaman
calculan otra vez,
nosotros cuando amamos
es como renacer
y si nos desamamos
no la pasamos bien.
Ustedes cuando aman
son de otra magnitud
hay fotos chismes prensa
y el amor es un boom,
nosotros cuando amamos
es un amor común
tan simple y tan sabroso
como tener salud.
Ustedes cuando aman
consultan el reloj
porque el tiempo que pierden
vale medio millón,
nosotros cuando amamos
sin prisa y con fervor
gozamos y nos sale
barata la función.
Ustedes cuando aman
al analista van
él es quien dictamina
si lo hacen bien o mal,
nosotros cuando amamos
sin tanta cortedad
el subconsciente piola
se pone a disfrutar.
Ustedes cuando aman
exigen bienestar
una cama de cedro
y un colchón especial,
nosotros cuando amamos
es fácil de arreglar
con sábanas qué bueno
sin sábanas da igual.
Estados de ánimo
Unas veces me siento
como pobre colina
y otras como montaña
de cumbres repetidas.
Unas veces me siento
como un acantilado
y en otras como un cielo
azul pero lejano.
A veces uno es
manantial entre rocas
y otras veces un árbol
con las últimas hojas.
Pero hoy me siento apenas
como laguna insomne
con un embarcadero
ya sin embarcaciones
una laguna verde
inmóvil y paciente
conforme con sus algas
sus musgos y sus peces,
sereno en mi confianza
confiando en que una tarde
te acerques y te mires,
te mires al mirarme.
Montevideo, Uruguay
So last tuesday morning I took an early BuqueBus to Colonia del Sacramento, on the Uruguayan side of the Plata, and then a 2-hour bus, heading east to Montevideo.
I expected Montevideo to be as charming as Buenos Aires but my expectations were not confirmed. La Ciudad Vieja in Montevideo has indeed its charm, but I was surprised about how the buildings are a bit like left behind, with low/non-existent maitenance to preserve their, once beautiful, façades.
The weather was crap, cold and rainy, which did not help much. Close to the port, the city composes an interesting scenario, still reflecting its recent industrial past. Many big warehouses occupy the area and I sometimes felt like beeing in some kind of ciudad fantasma.
The food in Uruguay is very similar to the food in its neighbor Argentina and I had the chance to taste a juicy bife del vasio in a small restaurant located in the charming Mercado del Puerto and finished the day with the local´s favourite chivito (similar to the Brazilian X-Churrasco).

I expected Montevideo to be as charming as Buenos Aires but my expectations were not confirmed. La Ciudad Vieja in Montevideo has indeed its charm, but I was surprised about how the buildings are a bit like left behind, with low/non-existent maitenance to preserve their, once beautiful, façades.
The weather was crap, cold and rainy, which did not help much. Close to the port, the city composes an interesting scenario, still reflecting its recent industrial past. Many big warehouses occupy the area and I sometimes felt like beeing in some kind of ciudad fantasma.
The food in Uruguay is very similar to the food in its neighbor Argentina and I had the chance to taste a juicy bife del vasio in a small restaurant located in the charming Mercado del Puerto and finished the day with the local´s favourite chivito (similar to the Brazilian X-Churrasco).

Buenos Aires - Boca & La Bombonera
Boca is another charming barrio in Buenos Aires, the most popular.
Boca is a main touristic attraction thanks to its famous Caminito, a colourful street in the heart of this area.
It is also home of Boca Juniors, the most supported team in Argentina. In Boca is located the legendary temple of football, el mitico La Bombonera.
Visiting the stadium I was able to understand why people always say it is so tough for visitor teams to play against Boca Juniors in their home stadium. The distance from the field to the crowd is so short, that Boca Junior fans are literally inside the field.

La Bombonera

Boca is a main touristic attraction thanks to its famous Caminito, a colourful street in the heart of this area.
It is also home of Boca Juniors, the most supported team in Argentina. In Boca is located the legendary temple of football, el mitico La Bombonera.
Visiting the stadium I was able to understand why people always say it is so tough for visitor teams to play against Boca Juniors in their home stadium. The distance from the field to the crowd is so short, that Boca Junior fans are literally inside the field.

La Bombonera

Friday, October 17, 2008
A Second of Wisdom from my readings - by Ernesto Sabato
"Creo que la esencia de la vida consiste en ser fiel a lo que uno cree su destino".
“Es curioso, pero vivir consiste en construir futuros recuerdos; ahora mismo, aquí frente al mar, sé que estoy preparando recuerdos minuciosos, que alguna vez me traerán la melancolía y la desesperanza."
Ernesto Sabato in El Tunel
“Es curioso, pero vivir consiste en construir futuros recuerdos; ahora mismo, aquí frente al mar, sé que estoy preparando recuerdos minuciosos, que alguna vez me traerán la melancolía y la desesperanza."
Ernesto Sabato in El Tunel
Buenos Aires - San Telmo
Buenos Aires is all that I expected. Maybe even better. It is a marvelous city, with different areas, attractions, surprises. I fell in love since the first day, and this love is just growing bigger.
San Telmo was for me the most charming area. I was lucky enough to visit this barrio on a Sunday, when they hold a feria de antiguedades in Plaza Dorrego. According to my friend Catalina "es como Montmartre, pero allá". And it somehow makes sense.
This district is the oldest one in Buenos Aires and also known by the many Tango bars in the area, a must for wealthy tourists, willing to spend over a 100 USD for a "Tango dinner". Although, on Sundays you can enjoy some open air Tango dancers, for free.

San Telmo was for me the most charming area. I was lucky enough to visit this barrio on a Sunday, when they hold a feria de antiguedades in Plaza Dorrego. According to my friend Catalina "es como Montmartre, pero allá". And it somehow makes sense.
This district is the oldest one in Buenos Aires and also known by the many Tango bars in the area, a must for wealthy tourists, willing to spend over a 100 USD for a "Tango dinner". Although, on Sundays you can enjoy some open air Tango dancers, for free.

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