Saturday, November 8, 2008

Uspallata, Argentina

And from Mendoza to Uspallata. This city is on the way to Santiago and about a 100km from the Alpes and from the Chilean border.
I heard from some people that the landscapes there were great and that it was a good base to reach Aconcagua. But I did not know that the city was also the place where part of the movie Seven Years in Tibet was shot.

With all these credentials Uspallata could not be nothing less than magnific.

On the road from Mendoza to Uspallata, the images below are the view I had from the bus...

When getting to our hostel, a small cousy place in the middle of nowhere, we were surprised by the beautiful nature and views surrounding us. Certainly an unique spot on the countryside of Argentina. And the first time I felt this trip was moving on...

1 comment:

Flo said...

Que maravilha de viagem hein morzão!!! Aproveite por mim!!! Sei q vc não está com a cabeça nisso...mas e Reveillon? Ponta Negra?